Charity Status
Officers / Contact
Bylaws, Officer Duties, Expense forms


MAGIC, The Macintosh Appreciation Group of Island County, is a charitable organization that serves people who use Macintosh computers, software, peripherals, and the Internet. The majority of participants are located on Whidbey Island. Our goal is to educate Mac users and potential users in the community, share information and help users to become more productive. There are no membership requirements or fees, and the general public is invited to attend all functions and access all of the group's products.

Participants cover the entire spectrum of expertise: they use their computers at home, at work, and at play. Everyone has a different focus and, therefore, different needs and problems. More experienced users offer advice, and newer users receive an education on the efficient use of Mac computers and the Internet. Monthly meetings give participants a chance to discuss computer problems and share ideas with other Mac users, and to attend presentations by featured speakers on specific topics. The group also offers a monthly newsletter and a public website both of which are primarily used to provide news and education about Macs and the Internet. Hands-on classes offered in the community provide education and training to all Mac users.

The group is an authorized Apple Macintosh User Group (MUG). This gives the group access to additional resources and regular contacts from Apple, access to the online Apple Computer Store, and the opportunity to preview new Apple software. We also hold a federal 501(c)3 tax status which means that donations of cash or merchandise to the group are deductible from the donor's federal income taxes.

Membership is currently free. Benefits include monthly notice of the monthly newsletter in addition to those described above. An electronic application for membership can be sent in by clicking below.


Charity Status

MAGIC has been established as a charitable organization and enjoys 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. This means that all donations to MAGIC are tax deductible where allowed by law. Donations can be made to any officer or through the donations page on this website. Receipts will be issued for tax purposes.

Officers / Contact

MAGIC has a general email which can be used to contact us. "For more information, send email to
Office Holder
(Click for Bio)
Exp. date Contact Details
President Harry Anderson January 2025 email MAGIC
Vice President Ron Sharp January 2026 email Ron.
Treasurer Gary McIntyre January 2025
Secretary Wendy Shimada January 2026 e-mail Wendy
Newsletter Editor Ron Sharp indefinite email Ron.
Webmaster Robert Elphick indefinite
Director-at-Large Samual A. Aaron January 2025
Director at Large Michael Turnbull January 2026
Director at Large David Shoup January 2026
Director-at-Large Robert Elphick January 2026
Director-at-Large Madelyn van der Hoogt January 2025

Samuel A. Aaron

Samuel A. Aaron

I was born and raised in Sebring, Florida and graduated from Florida A & M University with a degree in Mathematics. I served 15 years in the U. S. Army and 25 years with the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA). While in the Army I served two tours (30 months) in Vietnam and while in the FAA I served 40 months as the manager of Brussels International Field Office in Brussels, Belgium. Debra, my wife, and I moved to Whidbey Island in 2006 and reside in Coupeville. My first Apple product was an iPod and my first iPhone was the iPhone 3. My first Apple computer was a MacBook Pro purchased in 2007.

I rode motorcycles until I was sidelined by a box truck in an accident in Greenbank in 2012. These days photography is what I do in my spare time.

Harry Anderson

Harry Anderson

Harry is the President of MAGIC. He lives in Coupeville. He grew up in Tacoma and graduated from the University of Washington in 1967 with a journalism degree. After a stint in the Army (including a year in Vietnam), he earned a master’s degree at UCLA. He spent almost 20 years as a reporter, editor and columnist at the Los Angeles Times. Later in his career, he was corporate communications executive in the entertainment industry (including a couple years at the Paramount Pictures studio in Hollywood) and then in the health care industry. He and his spouse Terry Bible retired to Whidbey Island in 2009. He has served as founding chair of the Historic Preservation Commission for Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve. In addition to his service with MAGIC, he is a board member of the Whidbey Camano Land Trust and the Coupeville Historic Waterfront Assn. He has written a monthly column entitled “Rockin’ a Hard Place” for the Whidbey News-Times and South Whidbey Record for the past eight years. And he bought his first MAC three years ago and is still learning all about it.

Robert Yule Elphick

Robert Elphick

Robert was raised and educated in the UK earning degrees in Applied Physics and Geophysics & Planetary Physics. He moved to North America in 1974 where he worked in the energy and space industries. He moved to Whidbey Island in 2002 after becoming partially disabled. He has used Macs since 1986.

He spends most of his time doing volunteer work - including teaching for MAGIC as well as 4-H, designing and building websites, and providing help solving computer problems at homes and small businesses. He lives in Blaine with his wife Margaret.

Gary McIntyre

Gary McIntyre

Gary McIntyre was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, and graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in Economics. He worked for AT&T and several Asia-based telecommunications companies over a thirty year career. His responsibilities included middle to senior management positions in operations, product development, and sales. He and his wife, Brynn, love sailing so decided to retire in the Northwest and live in Sierra on Whidbey Island.

Their daughters helped him "see the light" a few years ago, and he and Brynn are now PC free. They enjoy playing on their iPad, Mac, iPod-touch, and Macbook Air.

Ron Sharp

Ron Sharp

I was born late in the evening and the constellation Apple was bright in the sky! In the early 90's an Apple computer found me. It was a 16 MHz with 80 MB drive. I was already into technology, diagnosing automobile driveability problems, when I completed an Apple Technical Training course on DVD. Things have changed a lot since then but my interest remains and I enjoy the diagnostic challenges. I'm currently studying Objective C in hopes of writing software eventually, but time will tell how far I get with that hobby.

I'm a Northwest native, lived in California a few years, and moved to Whidbey in 2000. I have some interest in writing and took on the MAGIC newsletter project. Although my computer skills are much better than my writing skills, I continue to do the newsletter. (Newsletter tips or comments are welcome)

Wendy Shimada

Wendy Shimada

Before buying my first Mac in 1987, and becoming a lifelong convert, I confess to spending my first couple of computer years with a TI 99, Commodore Vic 20 & 64. A resident of Whidbey for 10 years, my “previous life” was not as anchored. I moved 10 times back and forth across Canada during my first 20 years, then another 11 times throughout Germany, Connecticut, Utah and Puget Sound over the following 30 years. This allowed for interesting careers in photography, publishing and marketing management. Though mostly retired, I still have a few photography clients & rarely am found without some kind of camera within arm’s length. Other passions include art, gardening, reading, Scrabble & the natural world. I also enjoy occasional travel with my husband, Gary.

David Shoup


David lives in Freeland.

Michael Turnbull


Mike Turnbull grew up in the Philadelphia area and received a B.S. in Transportation and Logistics from Penn State and later in life an M.P.A. from Portland State. After Penn State he began a 42 year career in the freight railroad industry working for two private railroads and the federal government’s rail regulatory agency. He’s moved a lot, and prefers the PNW to the midwest.

Along with a patient wife (Debbie), he has a daughter & son-in-law living in Mill Creek which influenced their decision to buy a house in Clinton in 2019. His other choice was Point Roberts and he’s glad that didn’t work out. Since being on Whidbey, he haas joined multiple groups such as Clinton Community Hall, Friends of the Clinton Library, Whidbey Camano Land Trust, Whidbey Audobon Society, two hiking groups, and due to his total lack of experience with Apple Mac, MAGIC.

His work computers were almost always with Xerox or Microsoft operating systems. However, his cell phones for the last 12 years had been various editions of the iPhone. Because of his iPhone work experience, upon retiring he bought an iPhone 12 Pro Max and a Mac Book Air 13 (M1 chip) and immediately needed Mac help (and still does). That’s why he joined the MAGIC Zoom group since since he enjoys learning and re-learning Apple tricks.

Madelyn van der Hoogt


My first Mac was the result of discovering my passion for weaving and becoming (far too early in my weaving life) the editor of a national weaving magazine. Being editor required using the relatively recent software for magazine layouts, first on PCs, and then, with the first Macintosh, only with Apple. My first computer was a Mac SE (1987) that I can still see, sitting on my desk in a farmhouse that we bought as back-to-the-land hippies partly because it had no electricity. (Well, one outlet for a porch light and a freezer on the porch. Long story.) I fell in love with my SE and have had all Apple computers ever since. Right now, I’m looking at three of them on a long desk (one laptop, two others with huge monitors, a Mac Mini and an older one that I have to keep in order to open older files). One of my complaints about the computer world is that everything changes and it’s hard to keep up. This is one of the reasons that I’m so grateful for Magic!

I moved to Whidbey Island from the Missouri farmhouse in 1993 and opened the Weavers’ School here in Coupeville, where I’ve been happily teaching weaving ever since.


Expens Form Click here to get a pages format file of the MAGIC expense form. Last updated April 2012.

Officer_Duties Click here to get a pdf format file of the Officer Duties of MAGIC. Last updated April 2017.

bylaws.pdf Click here to get a pdf format file of the Bylaws of MAGIC. Last updated January 2023.

articlesIncorporation.pdf Click here to get a pdf format file of the Articles of Incorporation of MAGIC.